Wednesday 15 August 2012


Our last camping trip was to Lightning Ridge
Our departure from home had been far more leisurely than our usual set-off times - but given we had been so daunted by the packing, we were pleased to be on the road at all, regardless of the later start!

It had been a lovely day for traveling and we took time to enjoy seeing some different countryside before finally arriving at our campground in the early evening.  Vaughan was given the important task of fire lighting, while Nick and I worked to set up camp.  I had vague thoughts of cooking as well but soon gave up on that idea and we snacked on leftover BirthdayBelle cheese instead!

This was the first time we thought to put mats inside!
We have camped previously in winter, so had a few plans to make our Warrumbungle experience more comfortable.  While Nick worked outside, setting up our beds, I laid foam camping mats in our sleeping area - and put a layer of industrial felt over the top.

Although we are used to camping in the forest without power, we choose a powered site for convenience this trip - but heaters alone don't have a lot of impact against the cold in a mesh-top tent, hence the need for insulation (and lots of it)!

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