Thursday 7 April 2016

Playing hooky ...

The day after our Brim silo excursion, we mooched about at our home away from home.  I sat on the verandah of our cabin and enjoyed my morning cup of tea, looking out to the Grampians in the distance.

Vaughan was keen to spend a lot of time in the Town Hall - practising his hooky game skills.

The hook target was screwed into one of the hall's support posts.  A ring on a string was mounted to a rafter.  The aim was to stand in a set, marked position and swing the ring onto the hook.  Once he acquired the knack, Vaughan hooked the ring over 100 times!

You can view a setup diagram and a short clip of a commercial version of the game being played, here.

Max had small game kits for sale.  We got one as a souvenir, to mount when we finally have a house or shed of our own.

It was very pleasant playing hooky from the van for a few nights - whether we played the hooky game or not!

Bandit enjoyed many walks in the back paddock during our stay. There were several trails through pretty bush and wonderful grass trees, plus lots of roos, too!

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